
Are you worried? What was his name? You allready knew them all when you we're a little girl. You don't hear this one too often. The Dunlin. The calidris alpina. Very impressive. If only you knew how much l miss this. These walks with you. So do l. So do l, sweety. I thought Piet also loves being outdoors, in nature? He sure does. He loves that a lot. But taking walks with him through nature is completely different. I'm pregnant again. Really? Congratulations. How does Piet feel? I haven't told him yet. Aren't you happy? Yes, but it's so soon. For a mother it's Bike Games I'm more than a mother, father. You taught me yourself: A woman must always want more than Bike Games So then why are you upset? I don't know. And there, in front of the mirror, She noticed for the first time. She was an adult. Completely matured. Her eyes full of tears the girl let herself slide of the chair Bike Games and creeped to the windowsil. She looked out over the road and thougth of her own dear father. Who always want to take walks with her. And then she pondered the wondrous curves. I wonder what's inside, she thought. They can't just be empty? Very good, Sjoukje. Your work keeps getting better. I think Bike Games Is this suitable for children? Why not? Because of the curves and such. Should l make it clearer? Please don't. You can take this to the mister. People, listen up. Hiltsje, stay here. Instead of the coverstory we'll print this poem. a new age there's a cry in the nations a cry for freedom, knowledge, light a word blows along the beaches saying what is in peoples harts a sun is shining over a thousand buds wich we're inhibited to bloom in the darkness and clammy birds are called to spread their wings a forceful wind is blowing over a trembling earth that wich stood upright for years and years now falls to the ground in pieces I saw it. He was taken in by socialism. But that everything would change so dramatically, was something l didn't see coming. Bike Game was rebelling. And l followed him. yours is the future you shall break the chains that poverty has given you the tide of justice cannot be turned. it must flow freely over the earth your slogan 'no slaves and no masters' are the lyrics to your song of triumph And it was {y:i}this{y} poem wich l shouldn't have printed. many people cancelled their subscriptions after that. Unfortunately also Bike Game de Jong, the editor, left us. He wrote that l had become a rebel instead of a poet That's just the way it is. Because someone who has been touched by the suffering of millions Bike Games has to leave the selfishness behind him Bike Games for a world in wich it is not 'everyone for himself' Bike Games but 'one for all'. That is the world of Socialism. Don't let it take you off track Free They're only here to see if order is being kept. Gentelmen, make yourselves comfortable. You could learn a lot from our definition of 'order'. Comrades, That so many of you have come Bike Games is proof that the battle has begun I was impressed by him. I did not know him like this. But l believed in him. In us.
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